Cashew Pesto – Recipe

Yum. That is all.


* 1 cup fresh basil (prior to chopping)
* 1 cup cashews
* 1 clove garlic (or more to your liking)
* 3/4 cup olive oil (virgin, light tasting, your preference)
* 1 teaspoon clarified butter/ghee
* 2 teaspoons lemon juice
* Salt and pepper to taste

1. Put cashews into a high-powered blender or food processor and grind until a powder, or close to a powder.
2. Add into the blender or food processor the basil, garlic cloves, clarified butter, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Blend until well mixed.
3. Begin to add in the olive oil, just drops at a time or drizzle in while the blender is moving. Blend until the desired consistency. May need more or less olive oil than stated depending on your preferences.

Put overtop of some zucchini or squash noodles with a protein of your choice and enjoy!

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