I disappeared again, so look at this.

Oy. Finish Whole30, disappear…check! Still eating very paleo, but there has been a tiny bit more cheating this week than I’m happy with, so we are doing a mini reset on Monday. In the meantime, here’s some more photos of food so that I can delete then from my phone. I’m getting the dreaded “your storage is full” error.

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Whole30 – Day DONE!

So Whole30 has been done for 2 days and I still haven’t eaten anything! I even went grocery shopping and bought all W30 compliant foods. What is wrong with me?!

I am going out on a long overdue date with Dave tonight, and we really sought out a place that we could still eat paleo easily. And yesterday we even went out for burgers and ordered “no bun, no cheese, sweet potato fries”?!? This has gone too far 🙂

I did have this yummy alcoholic beverage. Even that was as safe as possible!


Peace and plantains!

Whole30 – Day 26+4

Today is grocery shopping day, so breakfast was nothing to write home about. Even lunch was a mess because I was so busy doing food prep for the rest of the week.

My sister, who is doing a month-long vegan diet, is coming over for dinner. Whole30+ vegan = difficult. I am making a variation on a veggie burger so that it is soy free. Let’s hope that it tastes better than it looks!

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